Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dunchess Ecstasy

This is the name I picked for
the burlesque doll I made for Alan.
She enjoys her first Chirstmas Eve party, and obviously had too much of the drinks towards the end of the part. But still, she's adorable. =)

My first attempt to knit a doll. The most challenging part is to shape the breast (still don't like the effect that much), and also the hair -- I didn't expect the styling is so difficult. I guess it will be easier if I just want a simple approach of hair-coming-out-from-the-same-spot approach. However, as a good burlesque performer, Dunchess Ecstascy deserves something better.

Merry Christmas!

I Spun It

This is what my first spinning teacher told us after 3 hours of learning how to spin on a spindle -- made your first spinning project into something, so you 'll remember it!

And this is what I had done. Well, not a recent project, consider that I had taken my first spinning class like a year ago. But I finally made it into something. =)

Monday, December 14, 2009


I found this notebook during my trip in China past summer. I always find the communist propaganda art work are naively cute. It is something about the bluntness of making a political statement that make it really laughable and lovely. I imagine that they can work with any themes -- but I mostly appreciate this one as it is fiber-related.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Netbook Cover

I made this netbook cover before I went to China during the summer. This is the first time I used my handspun yarn for a finished project, and the comments on this cover are crazy good. I found the owl embroidery on etsy -- it was a patch work for a card, but I like owl, and I stick it on the cover.

Making of this is easy. I just knit a long rectangular, sew up the sides, added crochet edging and the button holds. If I would have done this again, I will probably do the circular tube and use invisible castoff to finish the closed end of the cover.