Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fiber crazy during Easter...

Hans and I went to PA to visit his family during Easter. I found out that there's a sheep/goat/llama farm nearby, so I proposed a fieldtrip for the family. Everyone went with me, which is something I really appreciated. 

the farm, the chicken, the goats are cute, the llama are super cute. The llamas all came to us when we approached to the gate, and acted all least that's what we thought they were, until the farm owner told us that this is how they protect themselves. And the male llama was all ready to spit on us....
And then, something devastating happened....I brought $100 worth of roving...wait, it should be 'super-gorgeous-roving'. Not just that they are so soft, with mixture of wool, mohair and llama wool (?), but also the combination of color made them so gorgeous. With 4 large plastic bags of roving, can't even hold them on with my two hands.... I realized that I have to learn how to spin on a wheel.

Falling in love with another activities that involve different skills may not be the smartest thing to do right now. But I just can't help. It just feel so great to see my hands creating something. 

So I found a class in Burbank, and I'm going to try it out. spinning on wheel. And I make myself pratice on the drop spindle everyday~~